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Java Bean, Sari Bubuk Kacang Hijau dan Kedelai Instant

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Java Bean adalah hasil pengolahan kacang kedelai pilihan dan kacang hijau pilihan yang telah diolah secara higienis dan alami sehingga didapat kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi, rendah lemak, rendah kolesterol, bebas laktosa dan sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Dalam prosesnya, kulit dan biji yang pecah telah disisihkan, sehingga diperoleh bubuk kedelai dan kacang hijau yang berkualitas, enak, dan tidak langu. Java Bean bisa diberikan pada bayi sebagai asupan gizi tambahan setelah ASI. Java Bean juga cocok untuk mereka yang alergi susu sapi.

Kacang kedelai dan kacang hijau juga mengandung asam amino, lesitin, isoflavon, saponin, dan vitamin E, nutrisi yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, karena mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan protein, anti oksidan yang mampu menurunkan resiko kanker, serta dapat mengurangi penuaan kulit, sehingga membuat kulit awet muda.

Mengingat kandungan gizi dan manfaatnya untuk kesehatan, biasakanlah mengkonsumsi kedelai dan kacang hijau setiap hari. Java Bean dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kedelai dan kacang hijau. Praktis, tinggal seduh dengan air dingin/ hangat (sesuai selera), atau dijadikan bahan baku makanan bergizi, seperti dessert, kue basah, minuman modern ala cafe, dan lain-lain.

Java Bean dijamin 100% alami dan halal, tidak mengandung pengawet, pewarna, pemanis dan bahan aditif sintetis lainnya, sesuai slogan kami, "SALEH" - Sehat, Alami, Lezat, dan Halal.

Harga :
Untuk pembelian eceran:
- Java Bean Kedelai Rp. 22.000 / dus @200 gr.
- Java Bean Kacang Hijau/Plus+ Rp. 25.000 / dus @200 gr.
* Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim
** Untuk mendapatkan harga agen, harap mendaftarkan dulu via e-mail ke


Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Health benefits of isoflavones

Research in several areas of healthcare has shown that consumption of isoflavones may play a role in lowering risk for disease. They can fight disease on several fronts. The following potential health benefits are attributed to isoflavones:
  • Ease menopause symptoms - The benefits of soy go beyond reducing long-term cancer risk. Recent studies have found that soy isoflavones can reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flushes and increase bone density in women. Indeed, many menopausal and post-menopausal health problems may result from a lack of isoflavones in the typical Western diet. Although study results are not entirely consistent, isoflavones from soy or red clover may be helpful for symptoms of menopause. A study carried out by "Health Test" in 2004 investigated the prescription behaviour of 27 doctors for women with menopause symptoms. It showed that isoflavones were recommended twice (44%) as often as hormonal treatment (22%). The prescribed supplements were mainly based on the following plants: soy, black cohosh and hops.

  • Reduce heart disease risk - Soy isoflavones also appear to reduce cardiovascular disease risk via several distinct mechanisms. Isoflavones inhibit the growth of cells that form artery clogging plaque. These arteries usually form blood clots which can lead to a heart attack. A review of 38 controlled studies on soy and heart disease concluded that soy is definitely effective for improving cholesterol profile. There is some evidence that isoflavones are the active ingredients in soy responsible for improving cholesterol profile.

  • Protect against prostate problems - Isoflavones may be benificial for men's health because they may protect against enlargement of the male prostate gland. Studies show isoflavones slowed prostate cancer growth and caused prostate cancer cells to die. Isoflavones act against cancer cells in a way similar to many common cancer-treating drugs.

  • Isoflavones improve bone health - Soy Isoflavones help in the preservation of the bone substance and fight osteoporosis. This is the reason why people in China and Japan very rarely have osteoporosis, despite their low consumption of dairy products, whereas in Europe and North America the contrary happens. Unlike estrogen, which helps prevent the destruction of bone, evidence suggests that isoflavones may also assist in creating new bone. Other studies are not entirely consistent, but evidence suggests that genistein and other soy isoflavones can help prevent osteoporosis.

  • Reduce cancer risk - Isoflavones seem to be protect agains tumors because thet act against cancer cells in a way similar to many common cancer-treating drugs. Population-based studies show a strong association between consumption of isoflavones and a reduced risk of breast and endometrial cancer. Women who ate the most soy products and other foods rich in isoflavones reduced their risk of endometrial cancer by 54%.

Isoflavones are natural plant hormones

Isoflavones can be found in many foods but the best known source is the soy bean (Glycine max). The soy isoflavones are responsible for most of the soy health benefits. The Soy bean is a plant cultivated as foodstuff whose health properties have recently been discovered. Thorough studies have revealed that the consumption of the soy beans have favourable effects on people's health. Another source of isoflavones is red clover. As opposed to soy beans, red clover is normally not eaten but the isoflavones are extracted in industrial processes and used to make isoflavones supplements.

Isoflavones are natural antioxidants

A recent study has demonstrated that isoflavones have potent antioxidant properties, comparable to that of the well known antioxidant vitamin E. The antioxidant powers of isoflavones can reduce the long-term risk of cancer by preventing free radical damage to DNA. Genistein is the most potent antioxidant among the soy isoflavones, followed by daidzein.

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