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Java Bean, Sari Bubuk Kacang Hijau dan Kedelai Instant

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Java Bean adalah hasil pengolahan kacang kedelai pilihan dan kacang hijau pilihan yang telah diolah secara higienis dan alami sehingga didapat kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi, rendah lemak, rendah kolesterol, bebas laktosa dan sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Dalam prosesnya, kulit dan biji yang pecah telah disisihkan, sehingga diperoleh bubuk kedelai dan kacang hijau yang berkualitas, enak, dan tidak langu. Java Bean bisa diberikan pada bayi sebagai asupan gizi tambahan setelah ASI. Java Bean juga cocok untuk mereka yang alergi susu sapi.

Kacang kedelai dan kacang hijau juga mengandung asam amino, lesitin, isoflavon, saponin, dan vitamin E, nutrisi yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, karena mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan protein, anti oksidan yang mampu menurunkan resiko kanker, serta dapat mengurangi penuaan kulit, sehingga membuat kulit awet muda.

Mengingat kandungan gizi dan manfaatnya untuk kesehatan, biasakanlah mengkonsumsi kedelai dan kacang hijau setiap hari. Java Bean dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kedelai dan kacang hijau. Praktis, tinggal seduh dengan air dingin/ hangat (sesuai selera), atau dijadikan bahan baku makanan bergizi, seperti dessert, kue basah, minuman modern ala cafe, dan lain-lain.

Java Bean dijamin 100% alami dan halal, tidak mengandung pengawet, pewarna, pemanis dan bahan aditif sintetis lainnya, sesuai slogan kami, "SALEH" - Sehat, Alami, Lezat, dan Halal.

Harga :
Untuk pembelian eceran:
- Java Bean Kedelai Rp. 22.000 / dus @200 gr.
- Java Bean Kacang Hijau/Plus+ Rp. 25.000 / dus @200 gr.
* Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim
** Untuk mendapatkan harga agen, harap mendaftarkan dulu via e-mail ke


Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

What are the health benefits of soy?

Soy is one of the healthiest foods on earth. A complete review of all the benefits could easily fill a large book. Soy's key benefits are related to its excellent protein content, its high levels of essential fatty acids, numerous vitamins and minerals, interesting phytochemicals such as isoflavones and saponins, and dietary fiber.

The soybean contains a wealth of nutrients and phytochemicals, that are tied to an impressive array of medical benefits:

Decreases symptoms of menopause

The soy isoflavones products appear to decrease the symptoms of menopause, especially hot flushes. More information about isoflavones and menopause.

Reduces risk of certain cancers

Using soy products appears to decrease the risk of breast cancer. Soy products may also decrease the risk of colon and prostate cancer. The anti-cancer action of tempeh is attributed to the isoflavones. The isoflavones have antioxidant properties and help to prevent to oxidation of DNA. Isoflavones also seem to reduce the growth rate of cancer cells.

Rich in healthy soy protein

Soy products are excellent vegetable sources of protein. Most current health recommendations suggest limiting animal protein, so substituting soy for chicken, beef, or pork makes sense. Compared to all other beans, soybeans have the highest amount of protein. In fact, 38% of the soybean's edible weight is soy protein, with the rest coming from carbohydrate and fats. The soy protein contain all the essential amino acids!

Free from saturated fat

Soy products are free of the saturated fat implicated in many health problems. Soy is also cholesterol free.

Builds stronger bones

Isoflavones in soy appear to increase the bone mineral content of post-menopausal women, decreasing the possibility of osteoporosis. More information about isoflavones and osteoporosis. The soy isoflavones are responsible for the bone protection but also, the recplacement of animal protein with vegetable or soy protein improves bone health.

Lowers cholesterol

Soy products appear to lower total blood cholesterol and LDL levels at about the same rate as decreasing fat in the diet. Twenty-five grams of soy protein is thee recommended daily consumption by the FDA. The approved health claim states: 25 grams of soy protein daily, in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Many food products containing soy protein advertise this claim on the label.

Mild for kidney

People with reduced kidney function--such as those with diabetes who have nephropathy--can benefit by replacing animal protein with soy protein.

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