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Java Bean, Sari Bubuk Kacang Hijau dan Kedelai Instant

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Java Bean adalah hasil pengolahan kacang kedelai pilihan dan kacang hijau pilihan yang telah diolah secara higienis dan alami sehingga didapat kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi, rendah lemak, rendah kolesterol, bebas laktosa dan sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Dalam prosesnya, kulit dan biji yang pecah telah disisihkan, sehingga diperoleh bubuk kedelai dan kacang hijau yang berkualitas, enak, dan tidak langu. Java Bean bisa diberikan pada bayi sebagai asupan gizi tambahan setelah ASI. Java Bean juga cocok untuk mereka yang alergi susu sapi.

Kacang kedelai dan kacang hijau juga mengandung asam amino, lesitin, isoflavon, saponin, dan vitamin E, nutrisi yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, karena mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan protein, anti oksidan yang mampu menurunkan resiko kanker, serta dapat mengurangi penuaan kulit, sehingga membuat kulit awet muda.

Mengingat kandungan gizi dan manfaatnya untuk kesehatan, biasakanlah mengkonsumsi kedelai dan kacang hijau setiap hari. Java Bean dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kedelai dan kacang hijau. Praktis, tinggal seduh dengan air dingin/ hangat (sesuai selera), atau dijadikan bahan baku makanan bergizi, seperti dessert, kue basah, minuman modern ala cafe, dan lain-lain.

Java Bean dijamin 100% alami dan halal, tidak mengandung pengawet, pewarna, pemanis dan bahan aditif sintetis lainnya, sesuai slogan kami, "SALEH" - Sehat, Alami, Lezat, dan Halal.

Harga :
Untuk pembelian eceran:
- Java Bean Kedelai Rp. 22.000 / dus @200 gr.
- Java Bean Kacang Hijau/Plus+ Rp. 25.000 / dus @200 gr.
* Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim
** Untuk mendapatkan harga agen, harap mendaftarkan dulu via e-mail ke


Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Soy Saponins


Many health benefits of soybeans are attributed to their isoflavones but soy saponins, which are less studied, may also play an important role. Tempeh and other soy products, except soy protein extracted with alcohol, contain high levels of saponins. Raw soybeans contain between 2 and 5 g saponins per 100 g. Saponins are glycosides of steroids, steroid alkaloids or triterpenes found in many plants such as asparagus, soybeans, quinoa, olives, grapes and many herbs including ginseng and soapwort. When dissolved in water they form a stable soapy froth. This can easily be observed when you add water to soybean grits (see pictures above). Because of the presence of both a hydrophilic (sugar) and hydrophobic (steroid) they act as emulsifiers and foaming agents. Soy saponins are divided in 2 groups: group A saponins have and undesirable astringent taste, typical for some soy products, and group B saponins have the health promoting properties. The soybean germ contains most group A saponins, whereas group B saponins are found in the both the soybean germ and cotyledons. The soybean hulls, which are removed during the tempeh production, contain little saponins. Some types of saponins are poisonous but the ones found in soybeans and tempeh are eatable and actually possess health benefits.

Health Benefits of Soy Saponins

Soy saponins may contribute to cholesterol lowering by increasing bile secretion and may reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Cholesterol Reduction - Already in 1979 Potter et al discover the cholesterol lowering property of soy saponins. The ability of saponins to form emulsions or micelles with bile salt in the intestine probably explains their cholesterol lowering activity. Bile salt forms small micelles with cholesterol facilitating its absorption. Because soy saponins bind with bile salt, the absorption of cholesterol is reduced. Some saponins form insoluble complexes with cholesterol, resulting in inhibition of absorption cholesterol.

Anticancer - Scientific studies have illustrated that saponins can lower the risk of colon cancer. Cancer cells also need cholesterol to grow and saponins bind cholesterol rich cancer cell membranes, thereby limiting their growth. A study by Roa et al published in The Journal of Nutrition (1995, 125, 717s-724S) concluded that saponins may help to prevent colon cancer.

Inhibition of HIV - The Japanese study entitled "Inhibitory effect of glycosides like soy saponins on the infectivity of HIV in vitro" and published in AIDS (1989 Oct) concluded that soy saponins, especially saponin B1, may have inhibitory activity against HIV infection. It should be stressed that this was an in-vitro study using cultured cells and that the consumption of soy saponins is not a medicine to cure HIV.

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